Miscellaneous Collectibles & Kitsch

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Charles Berg Advertising card for P.L.M.

Send the kids out of the room for this one. If you are 'shocked' by this card (note the placement of the pins on the pillow - you have to admit no one ever thought of that before, although I know a modern artist who came damn close), then just wait until you see the other fifteen cards in the 1987 series. Somehow this piece has the same feel as the 'peek-a-boo' voyerism of the previous piece in this category. You might not have interpreted those romantic photoalbum frames in quite in that manner before, but I bet you will now.

A production of the well-known erotic artist Charles Berg. Obviously PLM is a perfect respectable French railway. But then, you do have to promote your product - the travel industry is rather cut-throat.

I would really like to see someone publish a design for this bikini in a black silk Le Puy Guipure.

first posted 8/22/2010

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